Truly Journal

Search Engine Optimization
Indian SEO Company

Make a smart move for your future with an Indian SEO company that delivers real results!

    Get Found First Online

    We’re here to supercharge your online presence. Your website soaring to the top of search results, your brand becoming a household name, and turning potential customers into happy cash flow. How?

    With our expert help in making your site easily found, spreading the word on digital platforms, and turning those likes into actual earnings. Let’s boost your business together!

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    Does Your Website Need More Customers?

    Hey there! Let’s get real. You’ve got big goals, but the path to reaching them might be a bit hazy. We totally get it! Our SEO experts at Truly Journal Internet Marketing Agency hear this a lot from folks like you.

    Chances are, you’re here for some common reasons:

    • Your website isn’t showing up when people search online.
    • Your website traffic took a nosedive, and you’re scratching your head wondering why.
    • The phone’s not ringing, and those leads you used to get? Well, they’re not flowing in like they used to.
    • You’re kicking off a fresh website and need a boost in business ASAP.


    If any of these sound familiar, take a deep breath. You’re in the right place with the right SEO squad. Truly Journal is rocking it with hundreds of SEO clients.

    Get Your FREE SEO AUDIT Today!

    Our SEO Services

    Increase Your Search Rankings and Get Discovered More Online

    Keyword Research & Strategy

    Discover the perfect keywords for your website with our keyword research service! We help you figure out which words will attract the most attention and give you useful insights into what your audience is searching for on Google. Let's find the right keywords together!

    Link Building

    We seek out websites your audience loves and put links back to your site. We do this by reaching out to these sites and promoting your content. Let's get your website connected where it matters!

    Technical SEO

    Let's amp up your website's technical SEO! Technical SEO means making your site easy for search engines like Google to explore, read, and grasp. Let's make your website shine in the digital world!

    Local SEO

    Did you know that 64 percent of customers look for local businesses online? Amp up your company's local SEO rankings by optimizing your Google Business Profile or Google My Business (GMB). This will help draw in customers who are really interested in what you offer. We take care of optimizing your GMB profile and managing your online reputation to build a stronger local community around your business.

    On-Page SEO

    Boost your online presence and attract top-notch visitors! At Truly Journal, we make sure our SEO services follow the best practices of search engines to enhance your website's trustworthiness. Our SEO experts create one-of-a-kind, valuable content, fine-tune your headlines and HTML tags, and use high-resolution images to make your online space stand out. Let's take your website to the next level!

    Off-Page SEO

    Boost your brand credibility and shine online with off-page optimization! Join forces with our SEO company, and let us showcase your industry expertise. We use the power of social media marketing, link building, and influencer marketing to create valuable links and earn positive ratings for your business. Let's take your online presence to new heights!

    We keep the focus on driving results.

    Want to learn more about the results we’ve driven for our clients? Check out our portfolio for examples of our work, and our 785+ client testimonials to hear directly from the marketers and business owners who’ve worked with us.

    Perfect SEO Solutions Just for You!

    At Truly Journal, we’ve got the answers to all your SEO needs.

    Don’t let another day pass by while your competitors overshadow you. It’s time for you to get noticed!

    Is your business showing up on the first page when people search for keywords related to it?

    If not, you’re losing out on important leads. SEO is not just a trend; it’s crucial for business growth. Ignoring it is not an option anymore. It’s a must-have for any strategy to promote your products or services and attract more potential customers and sales.

    Latest SEO News

    SEO FAQ’s

    What is SEO?

    SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. Basically, it’s about making your online stuff (like your website, content, and social media) work better on the internet. When you optimize everything, more people can see your brand online. That means your website shows up on the first page when folks search on Google. And guess what? Your online customers will find you faster! So, if you want more people to notice your business, SEO is the way to go.


    Ever wonder how to make your website stand out on Google and Bing? That’s where SEO comes in! It’s like giving your online space a makeover to catch the eye of search engines. They crawl (or scan) your site, trying to figure out what it’s all about. Good SEO makes it super easy for them to get it. And here’s the cool part – it brings more people to your site for free! No extra cost involved. Forget about paid ads or direct traffic – SEO’s got your back. With a solid SEO plan, Google sees your site as a big shot, guiding users straight to you. So, if you want your website to be the go-to place, SEO is the secret sauce!


    Each search engine has its own unique traits, but for your SEO plan, it’s smart to mainly concentrate on Google. Why? Because most of your potential customers use Google, and that’s where the bulk of your natural website traffic comes from.


    Three key things directly affect how well your site ranks in search engines, even if you’re keeping your search strategy simple. Here’s what you need to know:

    Page Load Time: If your website takes too long to load, visitors may leave and check out a competitor’s site. Google and other search engines penalize slow-loading sites by ranking them lower. Keep an eye on this, especially with Google’s confirmed major update in March 2021, focusing on Core Web Vitals. Page load time is crucial for maintaining or reaching a top spot on the search engine results pages (SERPs).

    Keyword Selection: Choose your keywords wisely. Ensure they match what your ideal customer is searching for so that your website and pages appear under the right terms. This is a key aspect of optimizing your site for search engines.

    Content Creation: Quality content is a game-changer. When you produce valuable content on your website, your audience can easily find and stay engaged. This not only improves the user experience but also increases dwell time, which plays a significant role in boosting your rankings on search engines.


    Yes, blogging can boost your website’s SEO if done right. Search engines want to find content that answers users’ questions. So, when you create and share high-quality blogs about important topics in your industry, you become an authority on those subjects. This makes it easier for search engines to find your blog using on-page SEO tactics.


    SEO and paid advertising complement each other, helping your website and brand stand out in your industry. Compared to paid media, SEO often provides a better return on investment. While SEO requires time and resources, its long-term benefits are significant and lasting. In many cases, a combination of SEO and paid advertising yields the best results for your business.


    It all depends on your goals and the strategies you use in your search campaign. Typically, most SEO experts suggest waiting four to six months before you start seeing results. Keep in mind, this is when you begin to see results, not necessarily when you reach your specific goals.


    SEO involves various steps to make your website optimized for search engines. One key aspect is having top-notch content, as search algorithms favor high-quality content. Your content should directly address what users are searching for to get noticed by Google. However, content alone isn’t enough for good SEO. You also need links from trustworthy external sites pointing to your site (called backlinks), and these sites should have a good domain authority score.

    Additionally, best practices include thorough on-page optimization. This means optimizing your meta content, images, and tags. Don’t forget the technical side of SEO – ensure your website has a solid architecture, offers a great User Experience (UX), is easy to navigate, and has internal links between pages. Following these steps will help your site perform well in search engine rankings.